by Jack McGuigan
Twisted Pair is a rich and engaging mystery set within the cross-cultural context of today’s Southern California. A diverse cast faces the challenges of living in South Central, where gangs engage in territorial warfare and residents face a daily onslaught of crime, addiction, violence, and conflict with L.A. police. McGuigan's book is a fresh take on the mystery stories that have come to define SoCal fiction and film. What begins as a simple favor for a coworker - to cover a shift they can’t work and take a “trouble ticket” no one else wants to deal with - turns into an unpredictable ride through the streets of Los Angeles. A telephone company employee sent to investigate what went down finds himself deep in a tangle of Los Angeles gangs, hidden connections, ego, drugs, and masked intentions. Be careful where you place your trust, and who you do favors for.
Jack McGuigan is a native of Los Angeles. Twisted Pair is informed by his professional experience: he spent 20 years working for telephone companies, managing sales; marketing; installation and repair; engineering and business offices. He studied English at Rockhurst University and received an MBA from the University of Colorado. These varied experiences provided the foundation for his debut novel, which reflects the changing environments of the telephone industry and of Los Angeles in the early 2000’s. Jack lives in Southern California with his wife.
ISBN 9798990945302
188 pages