A Spiritual Encounter of Miracles and Gratitude to Discover Life's Purpose

by Dan Wenker
Illustrations by Nicole Gabriel

While hiking down from the Grand Teton in Wyoming, sixty two year old Dan Wenker slid into an ice mote and dropped sixty feet, landing on a small three-foot ledge under the ground. Inside the hold, it was pitch black and wet. Staying on Guard is his story of how he survived the experience and went on to have more adventures.
Dan began mountain climbing in his fifties, and despite more than one accident and a near death experience, he is not done yet. In these pages, he shares the value of staying active in mid-life and late-life, how to do so safely by staying on guard, and the importance of finding your why and having wonderful and meaningful experiences.
Whether you want to be an armchair adventurer or literally climb every mountain, this book will help you:

Learn how to stay on guard in the wilderness, whether skiing, hiking or mountain climbing

Realize it's never too late to get into good physical condition so you can do exciting things in the outdoors.

Develop a "What if?" versus "Not anymore" mentality for whatever you dream of doing.

Discover the world is full of heroes, good people, and divine interventions.

Explore how even dangerous situations can have wonderful results.

Use fear for your benefit.

Look for and accept that miracles really do happen

Enjoy life no matter your age!

After reading Staying on Guard, you'll find a new appreciation for life and what you are capable of achieving.

Not Yet Published

ISBN 9781636183558
296 pages

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