A Guide for How to Not Get in Your Own Way

by Steven J. Fogel with Mark Bruce Rosin

Steve Fogel reached his goal of becoming a millionaire by the time he was 30. He had a talent for both making and keeping money. But the happiness wealth gave him was fleeting.

That?s when his journey of self-discovery began. With constant self-exploration, he learned that we can experience joy only when we learn how to interrupt the unconscious patterns of thinking and behaving?those patterns that prevent us from being in the present.

Changing your experience of life happens when you recognize that you are operating your own life, that no one is doing it to you or for you and that your future experience doesn?t have to be the same as your past. This means interrupting your machinery and not allowing your old programming to control your actions and interpretations. My Mind Is Not Always My Friend is a blueprint to show you how you can examine your thinking and change it how to create the emotional life, the spiritual freedom, and the financial success you've always longed for--how to create the emotional life, the spiritual freedom, and the financial success you've always longed for.

ISBN 9780984552535
200 pages

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