And You Shouldn't Be Either

by Dr. Cynthia Barnett

No matter where you are in life, there?s always more to see, to do, to be

Don?t settle for retirement. Embrace refirement!

In I?m Not Done Yet, Dr. Cynthia Barnett shares her story of overcoming obstacles, embracing change, fighting injustice, and refiring her spirit.

Today, she can truly say she loves her life. Her work, even after retirement, is rewarding to her and inspiring to others. But her journey to this place of self-satisfaction hasn?t been perfect, or easy. She?s had plenty of tough times, just like you, but she knows that those tough times led her to the fulfilled, peaceful, and grateful life she now has?a life that has meant something to others and given her unique skills and abilities to help society.

In these pages, Cynthia shares stories of what led her to fulfillment, from a childhood growing up on the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean, to coming to America, struggling to get accepted into an American university, marrying, raising children, surviving divorce, and ultimately, rising to the top of her field. Through all life?s unexpected twists and turns, she was repeatedly faced with decisions that seemed beyond her. Often, she had to paddle extra hard just to tread water. But once she made the decision not to drown in self-pity, she threw herself into learning how to swim so she would never again feel helpless in the rough waters of life.

Learn to swim she did, and so will you when you follow the example she sets in I?m Not Done Yet.

ISBN 9781890427795
174 pages

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