Divine Collaborations, Challenges, and Celebrations

by Lana Heightley and Melonie Janet Mangum

Unity in diversity is more than like-minded compatibility. Amanda Conner writes in her recent post, Unity is a choice and something every person must pay attention to. It is not automatic.
As our effective teams joined forces, it was our similarities and differences that helped produce what has been our personal and Holy Spirit-empowered synergism and Kingdom multiplication. These stories of amazing adventures show how God can take timid hearts and set them ablaze with strength and courage, so much so that people know something supernatural has taken place life transformation just as miraculous as fire coming down from heaven.

As believers, we all have the advantage of both the risen Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. He is revealing his glory in unusual times and settings far beyond our ability to calculate. It s not about working harder as much as it is getting ready for the Holy Spirit s adventures and Kingdom-empowered multiplied increase. We celebrate his glorious connections!

ISBN 9781944298739
184 pages

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