Writings of the Early Christians for Today

by Donna Perpetua

Two martyred Saints call through the ages for their work to be published--the Holy Saint Justin Martyr and the Holy Saint Perpetua. This new series, Ancient Examples: Writings of the Early Christians for Today, is dedicated to the writings of such ancient Christians and answers their ancient prayers.

Learn how these two early Christians defend the Faith. Experience the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives so you may be enlightened about Christian Faith today.

A wonderful book for anyone interested in Religion, Christianity, Patristics, Orthodoxy or History. Also a very useful reference book.

Included in this volume are reprints of the following works by Saint Justin Martyr: The First Apology, The Second Apology, the Dialogue with Trypho, Discourse to the Greeks, Hortatory Address to the Greeks, On the Sole Government of God, On the Resurrection, and fragments of other works. In addition, The Martyrdom of Justin and Others is reproduced. The work by Saint Perpetua that is included is the Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas, with her visions and the accounts of Saint Saturus and the eyewitness to their martyrdom. There are also sources for Troparia, Kontakia, Akathists, and Hymns for Saint Justin Martyr and Saint Perpetua. Contains over 1,200 footnotes.

This volume is compiled and edited, with a preface, afterword, and additional commentary and footnotes, by Donna Perpetua, an Orthodox Christian. She shares a number of unique experiences involved in preparing this volume, experiences that reflect the power of the Holy Spirit today.

Carefully selected epigraphs appear throughout, including the prayers of these Saints to publish their works, such as this one by Saint Justin Martyr: "And we therefore pray you to publish this little book, appending what you think right, that our opinions may be known to others, and that these persons may have a fair chance of being freed from erroneous notions and ignorance of good . . ."

ISBN 9781944976057
458 pages

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