by Stephanie Ballo
Illustrations by Karissa Costa
In this heartwarming tale based on an island in the Chesapeake Bay, a young boy worries about losing his big brother to the Big City, when his brother gets on the boat that takes crabs and cakes to the Big City. He doesn't understand that the boat that is used to haul the crabs and cakes, doubles as a school bus and takes the kids to the mainland for school. His single father, and the boy's aunt, try to reassure him that his brother will be back. They celebrate his return with a Chesapeake special 10-layer chocolate cake.
Age Range: 8-10 years Grade Level: 3-4
Buy A Mouse in the White House, or Martin the Mouse in Santa's House, or Crabby Cakes and Chocolate Cake, and receive Today I Was for free. A $12.95 value
ISBN 9781945518010
32 pages