by The Jones Family
This "family-spun folk record with attitude" is the debut CD from The Jones Family, a trio characterized by close harmony and a tasteful yet eclectic selection of material. The Joneses-father Chuck, mother Brenda and 17-year-old daughter Chenoa-recorded Unquiet at Bias Recording Co. in Springfield, Va., possibly the nation's top recording studio for music.
Produced by Heidi Gerber and Lawrence Paulson, Unquiet is a perfect showcase for the Jones Family's polished approach to traditional and contemporary folk music. On the album, Chuck Jones plays the piano, acoustic guitar, Anglo concertina, pennywhistle and drum, and sings lead and backing vocals; Chenoa plays the acoustic guitar and sings lead and backing vocals; and Brenda contributes vocals. Several Washington, D.C. - area musicians make guest appearances on the CD.
A highlight of the album is "Tom Deadlight," a rousing sea song with music by Ted Porter of the group Big Blow and the Bushwackers and words from a poem by Herman Melville. The title song, the English ballad "The Unquiet Grave," features a haunting lead vocal by Chenoa and bravura work on the bodhran and bones by guest musician Myron Bretholz.