18 Tips to Transform Your Pain to Peace
by Rowena Starling
Are you a stressed-out parent who wants to shout, “Being a parent SUCKS!”?
Rowena Starling was a stressed-out parent too. She wrote Being a Parent SUCKS…Sometimes for the angry, anxious, or... more...
ISBN 9781636183077
In the Company of Swami Ashokananda
by Sister Gargi
This is Sister Gargi's personal account of her spiritual training over two decades by Swami Ashokananda (1893-1969), the illustrious spiritual teacher of the Ramakrishna Order who headed the Vedanta S... more...
ISBN 9780970636829
A Story of Swami Ashokananda
by Sister Gargi
This popular book is now available in its first paperback edition. A Heart Poured Out is the fascinating biography of Swami Ashokananda (1893-1969), an illustrious teacher of the Ramakrishna Order who... more...
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Bite-Sized Nuggets of Wisdom to Feed your Joy, Nourish your Soul and Open your Heart
by Diane Pienta
This world is constantly nudging us—pulling, pushing, cajoling us—toward our heart’s longing and our true expression of joy. Yet our stubborn and conditioned mindsets can resist these signals, too oft... more...
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Who Doesn't Want That?
by Meredith Herrenbruck
Do you want to take off like a rocket but you just don?t have the fuel? Do you feel like the dreams of your youth are now replaced with the frenzy of everyday living? Do you get the sense that you jus... more...
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An Active Journey to Inner Joy
by Arnie Freiman
Dear friend, Does it ever feel like you?re living a life that?s not your own?
At first we just want to make our parents happy, avoid punishment, or fit in. We want to get the job, kee... more...
ISBN 9781733673907
18 Tips to Transform Your Pain to Peace
by Rowena Starling
Are you a stressed-out parent who wants to shout, “Being a parent SUCKS!”?
Rowena Starling was a stressed-out parent too. She wrote Being a Parent SUCKS…Sometimes for the angry, anxious, or... more...
ISBN 9781636183077
Financial, Social, Spiritual
by D.L. Dennis
Most self-help books written on "how to be successful" discuss only the financial concept of success. This book give the tools and rules for being successful not only financially, but also socially an... more...
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100 Truths To Becoming Your Own Boss, God's Way!
by Tamar Huggins
Bossed Up is the indispensable owner's manual to spearheading your potential and becoming your own boss, the way God intended. Bossed Up was created as a guide to help you work through the inevitable ... more...
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Timeless Wisdom for Today's Entrepreneur
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In Business Mensch, Noah Alper gives you the practical skills you need to make your business the best, while exploring larger questions of morality and work satisfaction. Learn entrepreneurship from a... more...
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by David Richo, Ph.D.
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The Craft of Compasion at the Bedside of the Ill
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This book is written for anyone who takes the matter of compassion seriously. In such a time as we live, I dare say nothing is more important. Simple-minded and stubborn, this book proposes that compa... more...
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by Sabrina McKenzie
Distinguishes between dancing in the church or dancing in God's presence. This book imparts a higher level of excellence in praise and worship through the ministry of dance by depositing spiritual dir... more...
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by Deena Metzger
September 11th called this book into being... Never before in our nation's history, not even after Pearl Harbor, has it been so clear that the voices, nature and activity of healing, peacemaking, and ... more...
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Awakening Through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening
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Have you ever been shaken to the core as a result of a life-changing experience?
We all face personal struggles, and it?s great when we can get some help in working through them and underst... more...
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Discovering Peace When Everything Changes
by Nicole Gabriel
Is something in your life shifting? Are you questioning its purpose and hoping that life?s difficulties will end in peace, happiness, and understanding? Then know that you are not alone.
Wh... more...
ISBN 9781940984186
by Deena Metzger
Never before in our history as a human race have we been confronted with such grave concerns: the devastation of the environment, global terrorism, vast abuse of political and religious powers, destru... more...
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Finding Our Way to Love and Liberation
by Ramgiri Braun, Ph.D.
Spiritual Enlightenment and pure, unconditional Loveare your true nature. HeartSourcing gives great inspiration, precise instructions and a clear map for finding that love and liberation. Ramgiri?s sp... more...
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by Ayn Cates Sullivan
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An Interpretive Translation from Classical Arabic into Contemporary English
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The Holy Koran is a timeless text, but time has weighted it with interpretations and contextualizations that have distorted the original message. In an effort to reilluminate the text, Dr. Mohamed K. ... more...
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The Revelation of the Immortals, The Highest Rank of Great Church Love, to Blessed John
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The famous movement of the European Cathars, destroyed by the Roman inquisition in the Middle Ages, causes great interest today. The outstanding thinker, blessed John, rehabilitates and compre... more...
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More Stories of Healing and Wisdom Along Life's Journey
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There are moments in life powerful enough to change us instantly and forever. Far too often, though, these moments come when we aren't aware enough to notice, lost in the dramas of yesterday or our pl... more...
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by Blessed John of the Holy Grail
This book will seriously question your knowledge of the greatest prophet, sage, and messiah of ancient Israel, the legendary King Solomon.
The dramatic spiritual crisis and enlightenment f... more...
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by Catherine Kohman
This is a wonderful book from fans of the Lord of the Rings books and movies who share their true stories of how the books and movies have inspired them and enriched their lives. Anyone who loves Tolk... more...
An Active Response to God
by Lucinda Secrest McDowell
Do you struggle between being with God and doing for God?
We can truly embrace both in our lives ? sitting at the Master?s feet as well as walking in His way. ?Now that you know these thing... more...
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by Wesley N. Wietgrefe
Wesley N. Wietgrefe’s hilarious, exciting, challenging, sincere, and near-death memories allow readers to relive their misadventures. Life’s interactions with family, teams, employment, and leisure we... more...
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How to Transform Your Life into HAPPY
by Barbara Weber
Are you looking for that special someone who will always be there for you?
Do you want deep love in your life that will be never-changing? Have you realized yet that the only person who wil... more...
ISBN 9781944335960
Biblical plays and Vegnettes for Youth and Young Adults
by Dorothy R. Swygert
The Mustard Seed Collection, a showcase of Biblical plays and vignettes to highlight the work of Jesus as He traveled through villages and towns ministering to those in need and teaching neighbors how... more...
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by James Babeckis and Benita Chapman
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Manifestations of the Third Kind
by Fred Fangler, Ph.D. & Todd Varnum
In this sequel to their first book, "Manifesting Your Heart's Desire," authors Fred Fengler & Todd Varnum continue their ongoing report of The Manifestation Experiment - an unprecedented study that br... more...
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A Spa for Your Soul
by Lucinda Secrest McDowell
re?fresh verb, give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate.
If you are desperate for new strength and eager for energy to live your impossible life, you may need a spa for your... more...
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Spiritual keys for creating loving relationships, loving yourself, and living with meaning
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Spiritual keys for creating loving relationships, loving yourself, and living with meaning
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A 10-week, life-application Bible study on grace-full living
Perfect for Sunday school classes, book clubs, Bible studies, small groups, personal growth, and for Sunday school lessons. more...
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The Revelation of Exceeding Wisdom
by John of the Holy Grail
The second millennium of the Christianity has ended. What will the third coming one bring? Daring and glorious challenge for the future transforming of the humanity is offered in the scroll ... more...
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The Shamanic Perception of Quantum Realities
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A look at the Elder Futhark system of runes that uncovers the amazing relations of the runes with Shamanic states and the evolving cosmologies based on quantum mechanics. A fascinating take on the spi... more...
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Selected Teachings of Swami Ashokananda for Spiritual Practice
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This is a valuable new guide to the practice of Vedanta and inner yoga: a priceless collection of spiritual instructions from Swami Ashokananda (1893-1969) to his close American disciples. Vedanta's e... more...
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Your Seven Step Guide to a Joy-Infused Life
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by Golden Keyes Parsons
Like the revealing sunlight flooding through the windows of our physical houses, the spotlight of the Holy Spirit investigates the corners of our hearts exposing filth which has accumulated unnoticed... more...
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On Everyday Living
by Father Bill Stelling
In this book, Father Bill Stelling continues sharing his profoundly simple wisdom begun with his earlier book, Simply Spiritual (listed above). Here, he presents 54 of his best columns from Common Sen... more...
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Leadership Principles for Embracing Change and Achieving Self Mastery
by Nicole Gabriel
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Western Paradise
by Wong Kiew Kit
Sakyamuni Buddha taught the Amitabha Sutra over 2000 years ago. It is one of the most important Sutras in Mahayana Buddhism. It teaches how a person can be reborn in Sukhavati, also known as The Weste... more...
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The True Discovery of the New World
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Long before Columbus, the ancient Celts and Vikings visited the American continent. Later, the Knights Templar established many luminous oases of kind people in America. Garden cities full of wonderfu... more...
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A Simple Conversation About Discovering Your True Self
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Whatever troubles are afflicting you or our society, Luis Rojas has found the answer to them: Love.
Join Luis Rojas on an extraordinary journey in the The Answer Is Love. Luis will take you... more...
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Being in Virginal Love
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"I have found the True Church and will never turn away from it. This True Church is the Grail. Oh, the Holy Grail, I gave my heart to you! I became attached to you as much! I see the sacrifices you... more...
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by Blessed John of the Holy Grail
Some people accept the indisputable authority of Tetraevangelion. Others add ancient apocrypha to it.
John of the Holy Grail, Cathar writer and spiritual leader, the author of four hundred... more...
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The Spiritual Evolution of Human Kind; The Many Worlds We Live In; 2014 and Beyond
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This book is about the spiritual future of us and the planet. It is about our own personal evolution and the evolution of our planet home. This book is a journey to our future. It is our destiny to ev... more...
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by Susan Barbara Apollon
Blending close to twenty years of researching extraordinary events in the lives of human beings with stories of amazing, mystifying and miraculous events shared with her by her patients, psychologist ... more...
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Healing Stories of Love, Loss and Hope
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A Functional Medicine Guide: Boost Your Immune System, Heal Your Gut, and Unlock Your mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health
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by Ayn Cates Sullivan, Ph.D.
Illustrations by Sandra Betancort
This is the tale of the Angel of Hope and how, with the help of the Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphaela, she manages to reach her potential as a helping angel. The only thing that Hope wis... more...
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A Devotional for the Morning
by Dorothy R. Swygert
Live Peaceably on God's Earth
Love is the nexus of life. Let it flow.
the strength of the heart is the beauty of love. When love enraptures the heart, the spirit of the loving Go... more...
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