What America Can Learn From Israel
by David Rubin
New York City – the Big Apple – transformed to a ghost town, where peaceful citizens dare not tread. Macy’s – symbol of American free enterprise – shut down. Rioting, looting, murder, attacks on polic... more...
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What the First Rabbis Had to Say About You-Know-What
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Amusing. Seductive. Stimulating. We're talking about the Talmud? That's right. Take fifty actual Talmudic discussions, mix in pithy sayings (appropriate and inappropriate) by luminaries from Mae West ... more...
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Returning to the Land
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"God, Israel, and Shiloh" is a gripping biblical and historical saga about the Land of Israel and the Jewish people. After reading this book, you will gain a new understanding of both the religious an... more...
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The escape of an Orthodox Jew from the bondage of religion and a match made in heaven.
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This spectacular nonfiction account of events will leave the Orthodox Jewish community (along with the other two Abrahamic religions), our criminal divorce court system, and God himself torn to shreds... more...
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Israel and America in the Age of Obama
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Upon taking office, President Barack Obama pledged to change the dynamics of America?s adversarial relationship with the Islamic world. Just seven years earlier, the terrorist attacks on September 11 ... more...
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Saving Civilization in 400
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This is a big idea book that will change how you think about the most basic history of our world today. All too often, we take longstanding views of history as “settled fact.” This holds especiall... more...
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Israel In The New Middle East
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The quest for peace between Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East has captured the attention of the world media for decades. However, and much to the dismay of those who have placed great hopes ... more...
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1927 to World War II to 2012
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Serenade is an achingly beautiful memoir which follows the true lives of Franz Jung and Franziska Perger, as told by their daughter, Carol Jean Delmar.
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Jewish Wisdom Stories by a Feline Mystic
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In early 2007, Professor Rachel Adler, a Jewish feminist theologian, decided her new apartment needed a cat. As she searched through photos from local shelters, one gaunt feline caught her eye. Despi... more...
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by David Rubin
The surprise election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States evoked passionate reaction across the American political spectrum. It seemed as if not one American was neutral. Trump?s supp... more...
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Ancient Voices Tell Their Version
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Knowing the historical backdrop of Torah can support and enhance religious or secular understanding of this great work. With modern discoveries and critical thinking, it is increasingly urgent to rec... more...
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