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A Good Financial Advisor Will Tell You...

Everything You Need to Know About Retirement, Generating Lifetime Income, And Planning Your Legacy
by Jeremy A. Kisner, CFP and Robert J. Luna, CIMA

- Have you ever wondered why investments always seem to go down after you buy them?
- Are you overwhelmed by the number and complexity of investment choices?
- Do you have a plan to create l...       more...

ISBN 9781935586494

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A Quick Start Guide to Financial Forecasting

Discover the Secret to Driving Growth, Profitability, and Cash Flow Higher
by Philip Campbell

This book provides a surprisingly straightforward, easy-to-understand guide to one of the most powerful financial tools in business: a reliable financial forecast. It will transform the financial futu...       more...

ISBN 9781932743050

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Book Of Common Sense for a Successful Life, The

Financial, Social, Spiritual
by D.L. Dennis

Most self-help books written on "how to be successful" discuss only the financial concept of success. This book give the tools and rules for being successful not only financially, but also socially an...       more...

ISBN 9781937089313

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Breaking Down the Walls

50 Courageous and Successful Years
by Norma Yaeger

Young women in the 21st century have choices. They can marry or not; the doors of educational institutions and industry are wide open to them. They can do and be whatever they choose. But to keep movi...       more...

ISBN 9780985746810

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Creating Your Work-Optional Lifestyle

A Purpose Driven Plan for Financial Freedom
by Jeremy L. Davis



If you don’t understand how much money you make each month, you don’t have a ...       more...

ISBN 9781636181509

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Crisis Investing and Entrepreneuring

10 Innovative Strategies to Help You Achieve Financial Success and Solvency in a Down Economy
by William L. Seavey

Announcing the imminent publication of a major new financial book, CRISIS INVESTING AND ENTREPRENEURING (How YOU Can Profit DESPITE the Great Recession of 2007-2010), the only comprehensive source of ...       more...

ISBN 9780615204444

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Building Wealth - One Penny at a Time
by Calvin C. Barlow Jr.

Approximately, 61-million dollars go unclaimed in pennies, each year. However, for some people, saving is difficult. According to recent data, the average person saves, approximately $397.00 per year....       more...

ISBN 9780982715147

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Never Run Out of Cash

The 10 Cash Flow Rules You Can't Afford to Ignore
by Philip Campbell

The single biggest reason the small business failure rates are so incredibly high today is this once simple fact: Most business owners don't really know what is going on with their most valuable asset...       more...

ISBN 9781932743005

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