A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #
Code Title Author Price Cover ISBN
01656 Para Promotion Program Dan Poynter Foreword by Ellen Reid 14.95 soft 9781568601656
26108 Parallel Justice for Victims of Crime Susan Herman 18.00 soft 9780615326108
86405 Parenting As A Second Language Diane Ross-Glazer, Ph.D. 19.95 hard 9781938686405
08570 Parenting in a Changing Climate Penelope Love 22.00 soft 9781947708570
27559 Parenting: A Field Guide Dr. Patricia Nan Anderson 24.95 hard 9781890427559
06743 Peace for Peace David Rubin 26.95 hard 9780982906743
01625 Peanut Butter Pirate, The Brent Holmes 14.95 CD 681445001625
57280 Peck Finch and the Eight of Swords Jerome Mark Antil 16.95 soft 9781737857280
57242 Peck Finch and the Hanged Man Jerome Mark Antil 16.95 soft 9781737857242
3122 Pharmaceutical Sales Management in a Changeable Marketplace Vicent F. Peters and Thomas B. Yeats 49.95 soft 9780965623124
3243 Phases Modeste Downes 16.95 soft 9780970443243
21402 Philippines Travel Guide 5th Edition 2017/2018 Jens peters 29.00 soft 9783923821402
49806 Philly & Friends: Who Do I See in the Mirror? Vese Aghoghovbia Aladewolu 14.99 hard 9781999349806
32340 Philly's Fit-Step Walking Diet Fred A. Stutman, M.D. 19.95 soft 9780934232340
84685 Phoebe Douse L. Samuels 12.99 soft 9781732284685
84661 Phoebe Douse L. Samuels 12.99 soft 9781732284661
84678 Phoebe Douse L. Samuels 15.99 hard 9781732284678
76538 Photography, Life, and the Opposites Len Bernstein 60.00 hard 9780984676538
9228p Pickles and Ice Cream Craig Bissinger 10.95 soft 9780966879223
27532 Pieces in the Form of a Pear William Minor 18.00 soft 9781735327532
69518 Pirate Thieves of the Spanish Seas, The Celeste Hayes 19.95 soft 9780978569518
69570 Pirate Thieves, The Celester Hayes 24.95 soft 9780978569570
06508 Please Don't Sing! Meritta S. White 14.95 hard 9780985106508
93520 Pocket Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine Zong Lan Xu 24.95 soft 9780967993522
93539 Pocket Handbook of Chinese Herbal Prescriptions Zong Lan Xu 29.95 soft 9780967993539
57558 Politics of War Walter Karp 16.95 soft 9781879957558
81165 Power Up Your Dreams Gloria Carpenter 19.95 soft 9781636181165
89203 Praetor's Blood Jeffrey MacSporran 28.99 soft 9798985389203
54003 Present Moment Awareness Shannon Duncan 14.95 soft 9781959254003
82827 Preserving Multigenerational Wealth Dirk Junge 39.99 hard 978163618282.7
57518 President Amanda's Whistle-stop Trip Sue Pyatt 17.00 hard 9780974257518
1007p Princess Bubble Susan Johnston & Kimberly Webb 12.00 hard 9780965091008
13089 Princess Sabrina and the Pot of Gold Michael Pellico 12.99 hard 9781733913089
13034 Princess Sabrina and the Pot of Gold Michael Pellico 19.95 hard 9781733913034
18157 Princess Sofia's Special School Adventure Donna Frost 15.95 hard 9781945518157
13317 Profileactics Donna F. Ferber, LPC, LADC 12.95 soft 9780976113317
80649 Profit Is An Attitude Ron Collier, PhD 29.95 hard 9781636180649
30826 Pterodactyl Jeremy Steig 8.99 CD 0786851230826