Code |
Title |
Author |
Price |
Cover |
06977 |
I Am Reclaiming Me |
Lorna Nakell |
26.00 |
soft |
9798218306977 |
24446 |
I Am, Therefore, We Are - Limited Edition |
Kris Lyseggen and Herb Schreier |
19.95 |
soft |
9780985624446 |
62139 |
I Can Be Kind |
Heather Lester |
16.99 |
hard |
9780999262139 |
27402 |
I Chose Love |
Sandi Gold |
19.99 |
soft |
9798989227402 |
9253 |
I Died Laughing |
Lisa Carlson |
8.75 |
soft |
9780942679250 |
94371 |
I Got Bank |
Teri Williams |
14.95 |
soft |
9780982794371 |
36212 |
I Hate You - Don't Leave Me |
Jerold J. Kreisman, MD, and Hal Straus |
15.00 |
soft |
9780399536212 |
62115 |
I Love You For You |
Heather Lester |
9.99 |
soft |
9780999262115 |
62108 |
I Love You For You |
Heather Lester |
16.99 |
hard |
9780999262108 |
49108 |
I Meant to Divorce My Wife Not My Daughter |
Lev Lewinson |
24.95 |
soft |
9781940649108 |
8618I |
I Only Have A Minute...So Let's Make It Matter! |
Kathy Brown |
15.00 |
hard |
9780974388618 |
27795 |
I'm Not Done Yet |
Dr. Cynthia Barnett |
24.95 |
hard |
9781890427795 |
41507 |
I'm Not Done Yet |
Dr. Cynthia Barnett |
14.99 |
soft |
9781980241507 |
17900 |
Idia of the Benin Kingdom |
Ekiuwa Aire |
19.99 |
hard |
9781777117900 |
17931 |
Idia of the Benin Kingdom |
Ekiuwa Aire |
15.95 |
soft |
9781777117931 |
98913 |
Iggy Finds Peace |
Douglas G. Goldberg |
16.99 |
hard |
9781944398913 |
37260 |
Igniting Purpose-Driven Leadership |
Jim Nevada |
24.95 |
hard |
9781947937260 |
17993 |
Imhotep of Ancient Kemet |
Ekiuwa Aire |
19.99 |
hard |
9781777117993 |
00869 |
Immortals, The |
Blessed John of the Holy Grail |
15.00 |
soft |
9785982900869 |
81448 |
Improving Profits Through People |
Isaac Russell |
29.95 |
hard |
9781636181448 |
93505 |
Improvisations |
Roger Aplon |
18.50 |
soft |
9781364293505 |
32954 |
Improvisations, Contemplations & Dialogues While Listening to Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas |
Roger Aplon |
15.00 |
soft |
9780965132954 |
07416 |
In My Corner On the Moon |
Rachel Rashkin-Shoot, PsyD |
12.95 |
soft |
9780989207416 |
61997 |
In The Eye of the Storm |
Walter E. Massey |
14.95 |
soft |
9780931761997 |
89346 |
Incident at New Providence, The |
Olivia Free-Woman |
14.95 |
soft |
9781935089346 |
1314 |
Indie Filmmakers, The |
Katharine Stalter |
16.95 |
soft |
9780976111313 |
57138 |
Indispensable Enemies |
Walter Karp |
14.95 |
hard |
9781879957138 |
70044 |
Infarction Localization, Leads & Diagnostics |
Hawelka Publishing |
4.70 |
Other |
9783869570044 |
56929 |
Influence Across Boundaries |
Helen Baxter-Southworth |
24.95 |
hard |
9780982056929 |
zzilf |
Ingram/Baker & Taylor/ |
350.00 |
Other |
17539 |
Injustice With Match Fixing |
Sami Ullah Khan |
10.00 |
soft |
9781527217539 |
51714 |
Inner Fire in 7 Steps |
Shai Tubali |
15.95 |
soft |
9783982251714 |
52542 |
Insights for a Happier Life |
Steven Jay Fogel |
11.99 |
soft |
9780984552542 |
zz6603 |
Inspire The Sleeping Giant Within |
Andres Lara |
19.95 |
54739 |
Instructional Design that Soars |
Guila Muir |
24.95 |
soft |
978193745739 |
91806 |
Insult to Injury |
Ray Bourhis and Matthew Bourhis |
24.95 |
hard |
9781736791806 |
2935i |
Intimacies |
Roger Aplon |
18.50 |
soft |
9780965132930 |
46724 |
Into The Nothing |
Gabriel Cousens, M.D. |
19.50 |
soft |
9780997046724 |
87376 |
Invasions!!! |
Dr. Adrian H. Krieg, CMfgE |
35.00 |
soft |
9780990987376 |
32267 |
Invest Yourself: A Guide to Action |
Commission On Voluntary Service & Action |
20.00 |
soft |
9780962932267 |
42378 |
Invisible Edge, The |
Mark Blaxill and Ralph Eckhardt |
27.95 |
hard |
9781591842378 |
06705 |
Islamic Tsunami, The |
David Rubin |
26.95 |
hard |
9780982906705 |
0089 |
Island Tunes for Kids |
Brent Holmes |
19.95 |
9781934604175 |
01922 |
Island Tunes for Kids - Caribbean Islands |
Brent Holmes |
14.95 |
CD |
681445001922 |
01526 |
Island Tunes for Kids - Hawaiian Islands |
Brent Holmes |
14.95 |
CD |
681445001526 |
26810 |
It Happened in Woodstock |
Anita M. Smith and Smith/Blelock |
15.00 |
soft |
9780967926810 |
25888 |
It Started in Rome |
Sage Aden |
16.95 |
soft |
9781940725888 |
18547 |
It Was Only a Moment Ago |
William E. Hablitzel, M.D. |
24.95 |
hard |
9780977218547 |
24338 |
It's All in the Story: California |
D. P. Lyle |
15.00 |
soft |
9780999124338 |
2900 |
It's Mother's Day |
Roger Aplon |
15.00 |
soft |
9780965132909 |
32947 |
It's Only TV |
Roger Aplon |
15.95 |
soft |
9780965132947 |
53890 |
It's Time for Your Close-up |
Renee Kohl |
11.95 |
soft |
9780979853890 |