A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #
Code Title Author Price Cover ISBN
06977 I Am Reclaiming Me Lorna Nakell 26.00 soft 9798218306977
24446 I Am, Therefore, We Are - Limited Edition Kris Lyseggen and Herb Schreier 19.95 soft 9780985624446
62139 I Can Be Kind Heather Lester 16.99 hard 9780999262139
27402 I Chose Love Sandi Gold 19.99 soft 9798989227402
9253 I Died Laughing Lisa Carlson 8.75 soft 9780942679250
94371 I Got Bank Teri Williams 14.95 soft 9780982794371
36212 I Hate You - Don't Leave Me Jerold J. Kreisman, MD, and Hal Straus 15.00 soft 9780399536212
62115 I Love You For You Heather Lester 9.99 soft 9780999262115
62108 I Love You For You Heather Lester 16.99 hard 9780999262108
49108 I Meant to Divorce My Wife Not My Daughter Lev Lewinson 24.95 soft 9781940649108
8618I I Only Have A Minute...So Let's Make It Matter! Kathy Brown 15.00 hard 9780974388618
27795 I'm Not Done Yet Dr. Cynthia Barnett 24.95 hard 9781890427795
41507 I'm Not Done Yet Dr. Cynthia Barnett 14.99 soft 9781980241507
17900 Idia of the Benin Kingdom Ekiuwa Aire 19.99 hard 9781777117900
17931 Idia of the Benin Kingdom Ekiuwa Aire 15.95 soft 9781777117931
98913 Iggy Finds Peace Douglas G. Goldberg 16.99 hard 9781944398913
37260 Igniting Purpose-Driven Leadership Jim Nevada 24.95 hard 9781947937260
17993 Imhotep of Ancient Kemet Ekiuwa Aire 19.99 hard 9781777117993
00869 Immortals, The Blessed John of the Holy Grail 15.00 soft 9785982900869
81448 Improving Profits Through People Isaac Russell 29.95 hard 9781636181448
93505 Improvisations Roger Aplon 18.50 soft 9781364293505
32954 Improvisations, Contemplations & Dialogues While Listening to Beethoven's 32 Piano Sonatas Roger Aplon 15.00 soft 9780965132954
07416 In My Corner On the Moon Rachel Rashkin-Shoot, PsyD 12.95 soft 9780989207416
61997 In The Eye of the Storm Walter E. Massey 14.95 soft 9780931761997
89346 Incident at New Providence, The Olivia Free-Woman 14.95 soft 9781935089346
1314 Indie Filmmakers, The Katharine Stalter 16.95 soft 9780976111313
57138 Indispensable Enemies Walter Karp 14.95 hard 9781879957138
70044 Infarction Localization, Leads & Diagnostics Hawelka Publishing 4.70 Other 9783869570044
56929 Influence Across Boundaries Helen Baxter-Southworth 24.95 hard 9780982056929
zzilf Ingram/Baker & Taylor/ 350.00 Other
17539 Injustice With Match Fixing Sami Ullah Khan 10.00 soft 9781527217539
51714 Inner Fire in 7 Steps Shai Tubali 15.95 soft 9783982251714
52542 Insights for a Happier Life Steven Jay Fogel 11.99 soft 9780984552542
zz6603 Inspire The Sleeping Giant Within Andres Lara 19.95
54739 Instructional Design that Soars Guila Muir 24.95 soft 978193745739
91806 Insult to Injury Ray Bourhis and Matthew Bourhis 24.95 hard 9781736791806
2935i Intimacies Roger Aplon 18.50 soft 9780965132930
46724 Into The Nothing Gabriel Cousens, M.D. 19.50 soft 9780997046724
87376 Invasions!!! Dr. Adrian H. Krieg, CMfgE 35.00 soft 9780990987376
32267 Invest Yourself: A Guide to Action Commission On Voluntary Service & Action 20.00 soft 9780962932267
42378 Invisible Edge, The Mark Blaxill and Ralph Eckhardt 27.95 hard 9781591842378
06705 Islamic Tsunami, The David Rubin 26.95 hard 9780982906705
0089 Island Tunes for Kids Brent Holmes 19.95 DVD 9781934604175
01922 Island Tunes for Kids - Caribbean Islands Brent Holmes 14.95 CD 681445001922
01526 Island Tunes for Kids - Hawaiian Islands Brent Holmes 14.95 CD 681445001526
26810 It Happened in Woodstock Anita M. Smith and Smith/Blelock 15.00 soft 9780967926810
25888 It Started in Rome Sage Aden 16.95 soft 9781940725888
18547 It Was Only a Moment Ago William E. Hablitzel, M.D. 24.95 hard 9780977218547
24338 It's All in the Story: California D. P. Lyle 15.00 soft 9780999124338
2900 It's Mother's Day Roger Aplon 15.00 soft 9780965132909
32947 It's Only TV Roger Aplon 15.95 soft 9780965132947
53890 It's Time for Your Close-up Renee Kohl 11.95 soft 9780979853890